Two reflections on our last boot camp:
1) I was listening to Marie’s challenge with an ear to the questions that were implicitly / explicitly asked and/or answered. But in the process of listing and posting questions, I sometimes forgot to include the highest level questions — the ones we started with, the most important ones. Starting with the details vs. up-framing can be so easy to do, especially with colleagues who you think are thinking about the same thing!
2) Eugene Chan’s measured-self like experiences really got me thinking about this video: about a young woman who decided to make a lifelong change in her weight by simply measuring and tracking her weight (10-day running average) over time, based on the Hacker’s Diet. Her story is super inspiring, and is all about creating SYSTEMS with positive and negative feedback loops that help us maintain a healthier lifestyle.
Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow! (BART strike permitting)