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Eugene Chan
Eugene Chan
Technical Assistance Software?
Hi Everyone:
Policylink is the technical assistance provider for US Federal Program called Promise Neighborhoods/Promise Zones.
We’re exploring how we can better collaborate internally around requests for technical assistance from the cohort of local sites, each are planning or implementing a Promise Neighborhood in the United States
Here’s a rough list of requirements:
• We want to be able to track technical assistance/help requests by site
• Each request would be a case
• There are multiple sites. Each site has a lead agency and its own partners
• We want to track solutions or responses
• The lead agency is responsible for a set of outcomes that are based on a set of overall competencies (fundraising, early learning, health, et.). We’d like to tag requests by the competency areas.
• At this point, it is just PolicyLink staff that has access so no permissions and security is not an issue. We may decide that we want to have sites have access to their own TA Hub section in the future so that is a consideration.Does this match any existing software or web application that you are aware of?
We are familiar with Salesforce, Zendesk, Wiki’s and Basecamp and like aspects of all three. But maybe there’s another software that you might have come across that might be something for us to consider.
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