Does anyone have some ideas to help me out? After bootcamp tomorrow, I’m heading back to the office for a meeting in which the ED will present the Theory of Change to employees and interns, all of whom started after the document was created. After this presentation, I’m supposed to get people engaged in the material with interactive exercises of some sort. Note that they will not be given the opportunity to contribute to the Theory of Change, which is a done deal; they’re just supposed to grasp how their work feeds into it and get enthusiastic about it.
This will be a meeting of about 12 people in a crowded conference room with a big table in the middle. Thanks in advance for any ideas!
Eugene Eric Kim 1:07 am on July 10, 2013 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Ha! A very interesting request in light of last week’s workout. 🙂 How much time will you have? How long will your ED be speaking? Any chance you can share the Theory of Change with us here?
Natalie 3:17 am on July 10, 2013 Permalink | Log in to Reply
I’m a little reluctant to post the document because it’s internal and this is a public space. Sorry for any frustrations around that.
rapetzel 1:22 am on July 10, 2013 Permalink | Log in to Reply
One way to deal with people not being able to contribute to the theory of change (which I’m biting my tongue on for now) is to invite questions. From the little I know, I’d start off with a question harvest, similar to how Eugene kicked off bootcamp! It helps people get their criticisms — or whatever they might be holding — off their chest in a constructive format and allows you to move into deeper work. Whenever I’m struggling with a design I come back to the question. What are the questions folks might have, what are the questions at the heart of this process? Just put those front and center and people often take care of the rest.
Natalie 3:19 am on July 10, 2013 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi, Rebecca! I understand the bitten tongue. Thanks for the idea around the question harvest; that might be a great start to the process. I do miss working with you.
rapetzel 7:57 pm on July 10, 2013 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Me too! I’m travelling quite a bit for wedding season, but when I’m back late July I’m going to make you tell me all about your life and new job over a beer.
Natalie 3:41 am on July 12, 2013 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Yea! Can’t wait.